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A simple step by step process that releases all types of chronic pain so you can get back to feeling healthy strong and confident again when traditional & alternative medicine have failed and you have given up hope 



Step One

A New Understanding Of Pain 

If you want to solve your pain, and traditional & alternative methods haven't worked you need to think about your pain in a new way, you need to understand pain in a new way and be open to a new idea of whats causing your pain,


Pain is caused by a biological shock, all pain even injuries, that maybe a shock for you, and you may not believe me, but its a reality, I know its not what you have been taught but in over 20 years of helping people I have proved this to be true.

Click the button below to watch the first step 

Step Two 

Releasing The Biological Stress

Step 2 is releasing the biological shock thats actually causing your pain, this is the fastest way to resolve chronic pain once and for all, and most of the time its the main thing people don't do because they don't understand they need to do this.

clearing the biological shock is the quickest way to release the trauma from your cells and get your body to return back to health 

Step Three

Rebalancing The Whole Body

Once you have cleared the biological shock in step 1, you then need to rebalance the whole body not just the area that is affected.

So if you have shoulder pain for example you need to rebalance the whole of the back the muscles joints trapped tissues etc so that the shoulder can heal fully 

Step Four

Improving Mobility And Strength

Once you have released the shock and started rebalancing the body you need specific exercises that will improve your flexibility and movement so that you start using your body correctly and you can move freely 

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